So far in earlier post I have been talking about HCI / UX, suddenly now I am talking about Legal topics. Surprise! Don’t be, I am not diverting focus. We are in Information Technology, we develop web sites, applications, we test and we think that we deliver the best product in market. We always think that our users are “Happy” with our product and you made this world Better Living Place.
But fact is that,
Around 15 per cent of the world's population, or estimated 1 billion people, live with disabilities. This figure is increasing through population growth, medical advances and the ageing process, says the World Health Organization (WHO).
So many countries are coming up with laws to protect people rights. “Section 508” is one of them.
While Section 508 is legally binding only for United States federal agencies or those funded federally, often an organization that provides public services will request a website or software that meets the requirements for Section 508.
That means many projects now require compliance with “Section 508 and other accessibility Standards”. This is very serious stuff and Graphic Designers, Web Developers and Programmers in the technology industry need to understand this quickly.